ul. Pogodna 2 lok. 14, 00-785 Warszawa
tel. +48 505 948 834 dustin@dustinducane.pl

Opłaty półkowe pogrążają Tesco

Artykuł po angielsku.

The problem relates to when the retailer books payments received from suppliers who pay the big grocery chains to run in-store promotions on their behalf. Deloitte said £118m of the figure related to the first six months of the current financial year but that £145m related to previous years.”

I kolejny.

People familiar with the matter said the company had been overly ambitious when predicting the sales of products in its UK food business. This in turn reduced the cash rebates Tesco receives from suppliers who pay out when certain volumes are achieved.”

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Dustin Du Cane, radca prawny
ul. Pogodna 2 lok. 14
00-785 Warszawa
tel. kom.: +48 505 948 834
(codziennie w godz. 9:00-20:00)
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